An animated adaptation of the classic Japanese Manga "Barefoot Gen", written by Keiji Nakazawa. The story is based on his experience of wartime devastation in Hiroshima, destroyed by atomic bombing in 1945. The main character Gen survives vigorously although he loses his family during the war. When it was released to the public for the first time, "1000 grass roots screening" was held with the cooperation of various citizen groups and autonomous community.
Production Company/GEN PRODUCTION
Based on Barefoot Gen: Chobunsha
Original Story and Screen Writer/Keiji Nakazawa
Producer/Takanori Yoshimoto, Yasuaki Iwase
Character Design and Key Animation Director/Kazuo Tomizawa
Art Director/Kazuo Oga
Compositing Director/Kinichi Ishikawa
Sound Director/Susumu Aketagawa
Music/Kentaro Haneda
Setting/Masao Maruyama
Animation Production/MADHOUSE
Director/Mori Masaki