A sequel to ”Barefoot Gen” was released in 1983. The story presents a reciprocal flow of feeling between lively living Gen who struggles with after-effects of atomic bombs and his orphaned friends in Hiroshima, where the deep and lasting scars of atomic bombing remain.
Production Company/GEN PRODUCTION
Original Story written by Keiji Nakazawa : Chobunsha
Screenplay/Hideo Takayashiki
Setting/Masao Maruyama
Producer/Takanori Yoshimoto, Yasuaki Iwase, Shotaro Tanabe
Character Design and Key Animation Director/ Akio Sakai
Art Director/ Masayoshi Banno
Compositing Director/Kinichi Ishikawa
Sound Director/ Susumu Aketagawa
Music/Kentaro Haneda
Animation Production/MADHOUSE
Director/Toshio Hirata